Seeing Wedding ( Marriage) in Dream Islam | Islamic interpretation of own wedding dream

Marriage is an important part of our life without which both men and women are incomplete. It is a natural process without which it is very difficult for a person to live his life whether he is male or female.

Seeing Wedding ( Marriage) in Dream Islam | Islamic interpretation of own wedding dream

Seeing a wedding in a dream

As I mentioned, marriage is an important duty, every person who is an adult wants to get married. Now if we talk spiritually, the purpose for which I am writing this text and what you are reading is seeing marriage in a dream.

There are many different cases of seeing a wedding in a dream and they have different interpretations. Every dream has a different interpretation, for example, seeing your wedding in a dream will have a different interpretation than seeing someone else's wedding.

If you see your wife's second marriage in a dream, it has a different interpretation, and other dreams such as seeing the marriage of a married woman, getting married and bringing the bride, not bringing the bride home after getting married, seeing your wedding And see the other wedding, etc. Apart from this, there are many other cases related to the same which have different interpretations.

Let's know all the interpretations related to marriage.

 Seeing your marriage in a dream

  If a virgin boy or a virgin girl sees in a dream that he is getting married, then this dream is a sign that he will get married soon.

If either the boy or the girl is engaged and they see this dream, then it is their mental dream

If an old and weak person sees his marriage in a dream, it is a sign that he will die soon. Similarly, if a sick person sees his marriage in a dream, then this dream also has the same meaning.

Seeing your marriage in the patient's dream

If a patient sees his marriage in a dream, it is a sign of his death. The patient should give charity because charity averts the coming trouble.

Seeing wife's marriage in a dream

If one sees the marriage of his wife in a dream, it is a sign of his death. The dreamer will die by divine judgment. The dreamer should give charity, charity averts the coming trouble.

Seeing a second marriage in a dream

If someone sees his second marriage in a dream, then the interpretation is that if he sees only the marriage, it is a sign of blessings and if he sees processions and other rituals as well, it is a sign of sorrow and grief. And if the patient sees a wedding in a dream, it is proof of his death.

Dream of marrying a black woman

If someone sees in a dream that he is marrying a woman who is black and short in height, then the interpretation is that black color indicates the abundance of wealth and her short height indicates her young age.

Seeing the wedding of a married woman in a dream

If a married woman sees in a dream that she has a second husband and has not seen the marriage, i.e. neither seen the marriage nor the other rituals, it is a sign of honor and wealth.

Marrying a prostitute in a dream.

If someone sees in a dream that he is married to a tawaf, then the interpretation is that he will get immense wealth and comfort.

Getting married in a dream and bringing the bride home

Getting married in a dream and bringing the bride home is a sign of being wealthy, rich, and great, getting luxury and happiness.

Not bringing the bride home after getting married in a dream

Its interpretation is not good at all. Anxiety is a sign of grief and sorrow. The dreamer should give charity because charity averts the coming trouble.

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