Seeing a river in a dream
Seeing a river in a dream is a sign of a strong just and merciful king from whom people can fulfill their needs.
Seeing a river in a dream means wealth for a businessman and a teacher for a hired worker.
Seeing a river in a dream is proof of getting what you want.
If someone saw that he dived into the river, then there was a reason to go to a generous king.
If someone sees that he is sitting on the river without anything or someone is sitting or lying on a bed, then the interpretation is that he will interfere in the king's affairs, but he will not be free from danger, because sitting on the water. A person is not immune from drowning, similarly, the dreamer will not be immune from the wrath of the king.
Someone saw that he drank all the water of the sea and no one except the king saw it, so it is argued that he will be as rich as this king.
If someone saw that he drank so much water from the river that he became irrigated, then the interpretation is that he would get wealth from the king, that he would become rich and his life would be long and he would gain strength and power.
Islamic Meaning of Seeing River in dream
If he saw that he was irrigated with the water of the river, it means that he wants a job from the king and he will get that irrigation as much as he needs.
If someone sees that he is filling his vessels with water from the river, then this is a sign of amassing a lot of wealth, or it is proof that Allah will grant him such wealth that he will get a lot of wealth.
Some scholars of interpretation say that drinking from the water of the river is as much as acquiring knowledge and literature.
If someone saw that he had crossed the river, then there is an argument that he would get booty from the enemies, just like the children of Israel crossed the river and became the owners of Pharaoh's wealth.
If you see that river water has entered a house or a neighborhood and the residents of the neighborhood have not suffered from it, it means that the king will enter that neighborhood and the residents of the neighborhood will get a lot of wealth from it, which will improve their economy. will be stable.
Someone saw that he was bathing in river water. So it is a symbol of purification from sins and the ending of sorrow through the king.
If someone sees that he is urinating in the river, it means that he will persist in his sins.
If someone sees a river from a distance in a dream, then it means that he will face fear, temptation, and trouble.
If someone sees that he is standing on the river, then this is a sign of suffering from the king.
Someone saw that the water of the river decreased until a gulf was created in the middle, so the interpretation is that this
The king will leave the area and the people will be blessed.
If someone sees that he has entered the presence of the king or any deputy of the king, it means that if the dreamer is sick, his illness will increase.
If one dreams that after entering the river he leaves it, it is a sign of reward from the king and end of grief.
If someone saw that he got out of it after swimming in a dream, if he is suffering from a disease, he will be cured of it. If he is suffering from the king or anyone else, then he will get relief.
If someone turns the direction of the river to the other side, it is argued that his grief or fear will end.
If the river surrounds it and it sinks in the mud etc. at the bottom of the river, it is a sign of grief.
To see yourself floating in a river in a dream is an argument for planning to get out of trouble and the difficulty of getting out of work is because of the difficulty and ease of swimming.
If someone saw that he entered the river while swimming and disappeared from the eyes of the people, then this is an indication of his death.
If he saw that the water surrounded him and he drowned in it, it meant that the dreamer would die a martyr's death. Because the one who drowned in the river is a martyr.
Dreamed that he was diving into the river and going up and down in the water and if he was not dead, then this was a sign of success in worldly affairs and getting wealth.
If someone saw that he was diving into the water and getting pearls, then this is a sign of getting wealth equal to those pearls.
Seeing dead person in dream
He dreamed that he was filling the river with water and putting it in the boat. Even if he fills the boat, it means that he will have a long-lived son.
If one dreams that he drinks water from a river, it is a sign of receiving wealth from the king and gaining knowledge, and if the water is muddy, it is a sign of grief.
Someone saw that he was bathing in river water or performing ablution. If the dream owner is sick, then the interpretation is that he will be blessed with healing. If he is in debt, Allah Almighty will free him from debt. will relieve his grief. If he is afraid, he will be blessed with peace.
If someone sees himself walking on the water of the river, then this is a sign of his good intentions and strength of faith.
Sometimes seeing a river also indicates a disturbing temptation.
Seeing someone else dead in a river is an indication of his being in hell.
Some scholars of interpretation say that walking on the river is proof of the manifestation of hidden work.
Seeing the ocean in a dream is a sign of the completion of age and reaching the unseen world.
Sometimes seeing a river also indicates travel, fighting, and getting wealth.
Sometimes the river refers to immorality, conspiracies, and men and women.
Excessive rain in a river on the occasion of the need for rain in a dream is the good news of mercy and profit.
Seeing a river in a dream with waves is a sign of fear in the journey.
These were some Islamic interpretations of seeing a river in a dream. I am sure that you will get a lot of learning from this article. To read the rest of the dream interpretations, you can read other articles on our website.